Digital Media
Strategist, FB & TikTok Ads Manager

Are you looking for someone that can analyze and optimize your online campaigns? Look no further. Whether it’s media mix efficiency, optimization toward LTV, building and executing ecommerce media buying strategies, I can support you and your business in reaching your performance targets. 

My goal is to go further than just ads manager metrics and create a unique and personalized approach compatible with your business needs.

Who I am

My name is Paweł Skibiński and I have been working in digital marketing since 2016. I was CMO of a software house for 2 years, which let me specialize in ads on Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. Since 2018 I am a part of MTA Group based in Poland, where my main line of work has been Facebook Ads, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I hold Meta Blueprint certificates. 

What drives me

I recognize the true power behind understanding complex data and use it to help clients reach their business goals. I love working with different attributions (using Northbeam / TripleWhale / different software's). Various projects drive me to think out of the box and to take different approaches and budgets. 

When it comes to ecommerce media buying, at most, in one month I spent USD 850k for a client, and in 1 day about USD 60k - I can handle any type of responsibility. As of late, I have been working on exploring incremental results by analyzing - Facebook Geolifting and conversion lift tests.  

What distinguishes me

Test and learn approach 

Together with my team, we have developed a framework for testing our work - creative, audience, budget allocation, technical and LP tests, ensuring constant improvement

Finding the connection between metrics

For me, analyzing data is not enough. My specialty is to correlate different outcomes to find the best solutions. There is always more than one way to get to your goal.

Having a diverse portfolio of experience

My approach is always to dig a little deeper. I base my work on precise data analysis, using various methods available to me based on my vast experience in digital media.

My areas of expertise - what can I do for you? 

Help you with e-commerce media buying.

Auditing and testing framework.

Prepare a high-level strategy with the budget allocation (per media channel and per campaign) and complete campaign structure. 

Conduct quality assurance of your accounts and strategy.

LTV (Life-Time Value) optimization.

How we can work together?

Contact Me

New thinking & solutions

As a part of our cooperation, I will create a strategy based on complex, data-driven methodologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your digital endeavors. I will also share the newest solutions and tested best practices with you and your team.  

An outside look 

I will provide you with a new perspective on how you run your online business. Expect a lot of ideas regarding your digital campaigns/accounts/strategy, with ready solutions to tackle all existing problems. 

Extra horsepower

I can work as external specialist or a member of a project team. Using my skills and experience, I will take care of both analysis and implementation of the ecommerce media buying strategy we come up with during our collaboration.

Zobacz, jak wygląda moja praca

W ramach abonamentu wspieram Cię regularnie, doradzam i pomagam. Dzięki temu krok po kroku poprawiamy przyjazność Twojej strony oraz rozwiązujemy konkretne problemy.

Sprawdź, z kim miałam przyjemność współpracować

How to start cooperation?



First, we need to get to know each other and learn more about all the accounts and campaigns. It’s also important to briefly get to know all the stakeholders’ goals.



We sign all the standard documents to make sure that your data and know-how is protected (I don’t protect my know-know).


Account analysis

I learn how things look like inside of the account. I run a checklist and pull all the data to Google Spreadsheets in which I conduct calculations and make comments. Already at this stage, I collect some ideas for improvements or tests.



We schedule a call or meeting in which we discuss in detail all ideas, insights, and opportunities found by me. We make a list of priorities.


The next steps

It’s up to you! We can organize regular calls, we can move to the next account or I can help to implement some of the experiments/structures/targetings/
audiences and so on.